Sunday, July 14, 2013

Kenya bound! 15 more days...

Things are coming together nicely~Sean has a place to stay while in Mombasa, he has also made a few contacts with different ministries in the area that he will be able to visit and learn from. Right now we're praying about what he can take with him~not only items for his personal benefit, but also things we can bless others with who are in need (clothing, school supplies, etc). Obviously, one guy can't take that much stuff~but we'll be making the most of every available inch of packing space!

When visiting a third world country, we obviously can't take certain things for granted~such as clean drinking water, "normal" bathroom facilities (including TP), electricity, internet services, etc. This will truly be an adventure! We are thankful that we can trust God to provide everything we need to do His will! This doesn't always mean we will be comfortable, but we can rest knowing He is our Keeper! (Psalm 121)

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